Monday, March 31, 2008

There has just been (or around 2 hours or so ago) news of a bomb at our university. They evacuated us all out. Most probably a rumour. Don't know the details at the moment. Was fervently praying for a day off ever since morning. Had a test. Funny way for a prayer to be granted. A friend said I should specifically mention, while asking, no bomb blasts God.

Just a related link ==>
More bomb hoaxes at schools:Rumour mill grinds on.


Anonymous said...

there was a bomb hoax today? where do u study hira?
thats bad. i have experienced the bomb blasting near my college earlier this month and i know its so bad.

Hira said...

Hoaxes aren't that bad, you get a day off, lol.

Gosh, was your college too close? The actual bomb blasts are of course horrendous.

Destitute Rebel said...

I heard about the hoax and its bad when people are already on edge this goes on, Thanks for stopping by lahore daily photo by the way.

Hira said...

Yeah, it is.

Thanks for coming over to my blog too.