Thursday, March 20, 2008

Rachel Corrie's case for justice

Rachel Corrie's case for justice by Tom Wright and Therese Saliba

The darkness is infinite
As I leave the curtain's edge
It is filled with watchers
Silent judges

- Rachel Corrie, about 11 years old

As their plane touched down in Tel Aviv recently, Cindy and Craig Corrie marked five years since their daughter's death. On March 16, 2003, Rachel Corrie, 23, was crushed to death beneath an armored Israeli bulldozer. The Corries are a short distance from Gaza, where Rachel was killed, and where in the past few weeks, an Israeli military incursion killed over 100 Palestinians, including many women and children.

Read more over here.

Check this out too:
Excerpts from an e-mail from Rachel Corrie to her family on February 7, 2003

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