Tuesday, January 6, 2009

By Carlos Latuff

I am trying, a tiny bit, to cover Israel's current brutality on Gaza on my StumbleUpon page. Please check it out to read the articles. You have to be a member though for fully viewing the links I've saved (view it in list mode btw)


Destitute Rebel said...

Hira are you aware of any organizations doing fund raising or awareness in your region, if you do please let me know.

Hira said...

You mean in Pakistan? No, I am not much aware of any organizations over here. There are international donating sites such as this (http://www.islamic-relief.com/Emergencies-And-Appeals/emergency.aspx?emID=47) or this (http://www.mercycorps.org/countries/westbankgaza/2468). As for those creating awareness in this region, I am not much aware of them either. There are of course tens of sites on the internet. Mail me if you want to know. Or visit my StumbleUpon page.